There is no such thing as a "trans" person. It is a made-up advertising category to sell pharm/med consumerism to purchase the material identity of another sex as pure consumer IDEALISM. It is anti-materialist, anti-science and therefore anti-Marxist to pretend there is another type of human beyond our sexed binary. It also erases in to pure transvestic fetishism the classification in language (not reality) the sexed human body, so is hetero/homophobic (an actual term) since the claim is made anyone can be a "woman" (or "man") there is no material basis for homo/heterosexuality. Hetero/homosexuality is attraction to SEX (human dimorphic) not to a transvestic fetishist costume. Accepting this consumerist "identity" and some of the other apologia is still accepting non-class based identity "intersectionality". This "trans" category of human does not exist. Only humans who are transvestic fetishists exist as their sexed bodies cannot EVER be changed materially to another sex---and there are a fair few of these fetishists who also pretend they are another race at the same time or separately from their transvestism.

What "racial" injustices are there in our society? Can you name any? The ones that existed formerly were written the ruling class in their LAW and other forms of coercion (economic/legal) to maintain such a system so to push down the wages of the proletariat whites or in the case of "block busting" lower real estate value of white owned homes by reducing the value (ruling class determines home value) of property to buy it up at fire sale prices.

Females of all "races" are oppressed in the same ways. Nuclear family, no maternity leave or benefit to care for the next generation of workers, etc.. no help for time off for family needs and lowered wages using the excuse of not being loyal to the job bc they take care of family duties. Abortion involving state interference---a woman in SC was recently charged with murder because her fetus died--not a born child, etc.. all exist in material reality. It is also part of capitalist repression and different to that of male repression/oppression but is clearly a material issue.

White supremacy might exist in the MIND of a few, but materially there is no such thing. It was always class supremacy. Churchill is an example of one who is used for "white supremacy" while engaging in class supremacy as a racist. The people of the UK and Ireland were treated brutally as well at the same time. African nations today are STILL openly engaging in slave trade just as they and every other culture on the planet have done for millennia. They are who sold slaves as commodities before the US Southern planters "bred" humans for that purpose rather than import them. 45 million people enslaved right now, matter of fact. And I never hear Brazilians, where the bulk of trans-Atlantic slave trade (Caribbean as well) talk this "identity" white supremacy BS. They know their own people SOLD them to "whites".

Gays and lesbians are not oppressed other than by class. Again, the ruling class is who wrote law and enforced it criminalizing homosexuality and employers (ruling class) discriminated. White proles are trotted out for that purpose of labeling the working masses "bigots" and can only be done at the expense of reality again, because blacks, Hispanics and many other "race"/ethnic groups are homophobic. Pretending the lie that lower class whites are the racists or homophobes is how to repress the majority.

Interestingly I read the basis of "intersectionality" written by a black woman (lawyer) who was talking about the LAW. Again, written and upheld by the ruling class state. Whether her intention or not was to point that out I can't say, but this exactly what I got from reading it.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Rainer Shea ☭

Transgender and non-binary gender identities have existed for almost as long as human history itself, you stupid and ignorant and hateful motherfucker. You fail to recognize the difference between sex and gender, or you just don't care about facts.

Sex is physical and physiological. You're using the same goddamn "argument" as every other windowlicking bigoted trash douchebag. "BUT MUH 2 GEN-DARZ!"

Its more accurate to say that there are 2 sexes, but that isn't true at all either. Intersex people exist too.

Gender expression is a social construct. Gender is the psychological way someone views their body and mind and role in society. Gender is a spectrum, and is theoretically infinite. Not everyone's assigned gender when they are born is who they really are. And even though gender identity is a social construct, its still based in reality and informs a person's self-conception and identity and self-actualization, which you'd know if you read a single paragraph that isn't Fox News fascist horseshit.

And to claim that transgender and non-binary people exist to help "muh big pharma" is laughable nonsense, given that non-binary and trans gender identities have been known in most major human societies since before writing was invented, and Indigenous Native Peoples often had more than 3 or 4 genders each, and they were most of the time held in high-respect and understanding or at least tolerance. I didn't know big pharma was selling hormones to the Hopi thousands of years ago.

Saying transgender people exist because of big pharma is like saying depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder or ADHD only exist to force people to buy medication. Its completely stupid, ass-backwards, factually wrong, insulting, chauvanist, ignorant, cracker-ass nonsense to say that.

The "point" isn't that big pharma or hormone therapy exist, the point is that medical and scientific advancement is often curtailed in favor of profit, or people who need therapy, medication and procedures are denied it due to capitalist corporate bureaucracy and lack of funds and hoarding of resources that everyone has a right to for free or dirt-cheap, just like in Cuba and China and DPRK.

Even the far-right monarchist shithole Saudi Arabia and Iran have free gender-affirming therapy and hormone treatments for transgender and non-binary people.

To deny that non-white people don't face extra persecution for trivial, not-important or out of their control characteristics, lifestyles and stereotypes is blatantly false.

I'm fucking Latino. I'm partially German/White, mixed with a majority of Spanish and Mexican descent, sprinkled with some partial Indigenous Native American and Aztec heritage and a dash of Jewish blood.

Don't you have the fucking gaul to deny my experiences or my people's experiences just because you haven't experienced racism, ableism, lookism that I and other people have, or you just don't care.

Its because of you fucking cracker ass white supremacist alt-reich honkey pieces of shit that I have to hide my fucking identity. You PatSocs, MAGA "communists" are fascists in red-paint. I've interacted with thousands of you, and maybe 2 of you are even somewhat decent-people to my face. You are nazi pricks and a fucking disgrace to leftism, socialism, communism, anti-capitalists, and just decency. I'd almost rather work with anarchists than you punk ass cunts, and that's saying a whole goddamn lot.

In my personal experience, there is a major problem in communist circles of people being class reductionist, that class is the only thing that matters, just as much or possibly even more than the stereotypical white supremacist serving liberal narrative of "anything but class".

The Amerikkkan capitalist state and the racist ass pigs and the common people who are reactionaries throw my fellow Latino and Hispanic human beings in concentration camps, racially profile and imprison people of color at higher rates for lesser or no crimes, infringe on the territory and nations of Indigenous and People of Color federations and countries, bomb brown people, lynch us for speaking our mind and standing up for what's right, and we are treated like low-lifes despite the hardships and unfairness we face on an hourly basis. Latinos, African-Americans, Asian people and Indigenous people of the U.S. and the globe, and women and non-binary people, face the brunt of Amerikkkan capitalist imperialist fascism, and we are arguably some of the strongest and most passionate communists. We are the key to global human liberation, and you can't even be bothered to shut the fuck up and listen to us, and then you blame us when you white PatSocs fail. If you'd be willing to shut the fuck up, apologize, and own up to your mistakes and recruit BIPOC and LGBT people, we may actually fucking get somewhere. That includes understanding that class-reductionism is a problem, just as much if not more than "anything but class" is a problem.

You insult my friend RainerShea by posting this nazbol shit. Rainer is someone I greatly respect and lookup to, even if I disagree with them on this, I politely talk to him because he is mostly reasonable and willing to listen and not use his privilege as a battering ram. And he has a good heart and probably a giant dick.

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May 7, 2023·edited May 7, 2023

Intersectionality being anti-marxist is not the platform for you to spread right wing bs propaganda. Racism exists. Saying all women are oppressed equally is just a plain refutation of reality in favour of what you want to be true. Black women in the west are objectively more oppressed than white women. It is obviously a class issue but you're just pretending there isn't a scale to the current oppression people experience.

Trans people exist. Human sex is not binary. Literally spend any time to read any actual biology studies on this exact topic and you'll see that you are wrong. Human sex is a bimodal distribution. Why on earth did you ever believe that it could even be binary when it's kindergarten level biology that there are more than 2 combinations of sex chromosomes???????????

To say that trans people don't exist because we're all just people/workers and all free to decide for ourselves how to identify is an absolutely fair thing but to just claim they are what? lying? Delusional? is a purely reactionary take and isn't even remotely based on reality. This isn't even touching on the fact of inter-sex people's existence. To say that the oppression of trans people is a purely capitalist notion would be a fair take. Saying they don't exist at all is like someone in the 1800's saying that left handed people don't exist.... in fact the psuedoscience wagon was wheeled out to try to explain the sudden rise in "openly" left handed people back then as well...

"white supremacy MIGHT exist" LOOOOOOOOOOOOL you're not very good at hiding the motivation for your beliefs here

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Left-wing capitalist much? Anti-science much? Anti-MATERIALIST much?

Human sex is not binary? HAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! Even intersex people are one sex or the other, as there is no true human hermaphroditism which would make you TWO (binary) sexes able to impregnate yourself. LMFAO! And you are so stupid with such great conviction. If there were no binary sexes you couldn't even use the word intersex or hermaphrodite because they would have no meaning. There is no third category of human or any other sexed organism on this planet. And you cannot change your sex. Critical thinking and science are clearly not your strong suit.

You have no clue about the history of slavery even in our own country let alone the rest of the planet. Again, spewing reactionary nonsense with great conviction (liberal capitalist identitarian) while PRETENDING TO UNDERSTAND MARXISM. Can't even grasp class analysis.

You call yourself a MARXIST as an IDENTITY that can be worn---like pretending you are another sex or race. How can you have men LARPING AS....what? If there's no sex binary what is a "transgender" person pretending they are? More than two combinations of HOW MANY SEX CHROMOSOMES? Two. Sexual dimorphism = TWO. X and Y and unless the SRY gene on the Y (MALE) chromosome is altered, any combination of x with any number of Y is MALE. A male with a DSD---otherwise there'd be no such thing a DSD.

Your "argument" (left liberal capitalist) screeching is a straw man. You even make a point us IDENTIFYING YOURSELF with is unmoored with MATERIAL REALITY.

White supremacy is a CLASS SUPREMACY with only the WHITES in the RULING CLASS WRITING ANY LAW AND USING THE STATE TO ENFORCE SAID LAW to benefit this class. African slavers who sold Africans into slavery who were IN THE RULING CLASS. The same people they SOLD were the SAME RACE. Even the most bourgeois US history lies mention this FACT. So is it WHITE SUPREMACY that made Ghanian slavers rich? They even apologized for selling their own "race" into slavery and have a "right of return" for American blacks. Of course you don't KNOW any of this as you are a left capitalist liberal.

Intersectionality is by definition DIVIDING people on the basis of anything OTHER THAN CLASS. The original article was about bourgeois law---civil law---where a black woman could only pursue civil action on either the basis of race or her sex. This is under bourgeois LAW. You don't even understand what "bourgeois right" means or grasp the sophistry of The LAW as the basis of that division.

Stating facts have nothing to do with BELIEF, btw, and ad hominem is not an argument .

How is a black woman more oppressed than I am (white female) in this country? LIST THE WAYS and I'll wait. I thought people who label themselves "tran$" (capitalist invention) were the most oppressedest of us all anyway. Add them to the the category you should make a list of oppression points about while we are at it. I'd like to see both lists. Line by line. Typical bourgeois propaganda to demonize the majority of workers to maintain the state power over the masses. A bourgeois righty will call affirmative action "proof" of their oppression where I call affirmative action a STATE IMPOSED privilege to pit worker against worker in petty jealousy. Ditto for that occurring in HOUSING. Privilege that isn't even afforded to most blacks as housing vouchers are lottery based leaving large groups of blacks AND WHITES without housing. Nice try, you liberal LARPING as a MARXIST.

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Transgender and non-binary gender identities have existed for almost as long as human history itself, you stupid and ignorant and hateful motherfucker. You fail to recognize the difference between sex and gender, or you just don't care about facts.

Sex is physical and physiological. You're using the same goddamn "argument" as every other windowlicking bigoted trash douchebag. "BUT MUH 2 GEN-DARZ!"

Its more accurate to say that there are 2 sexes, but that isn't true at all either. Intersex people exist too.

Gender expression is a social construct. Gender is the psychological way someone views their body and mind and role in society. Gender is a spectrum, and is theoretically infinite. Not everyone's assigned gender when they are born is who they really are. And even though gender identity is a social construct, its still based in reality and informs a person's self-conception and identity and self-actualization, which you'd know if you read a single paragraph that isn't Fox News fascist horseshit.

And to claim that transgender and non-binary people exist to help "muh big pharma" is laughable nonsense, given that non-binary and trans gender identities have been known in most major human societies since before writing was invented, and Indigenous Native Peoples often had more than 3 or 4 genders each, and they were most of the time held in high-respect and understanding or at least tolerance. I didn't know big pharma was selling hormones to the Hopi thousands of years ago.

Saying transgender people exist because of big pharma is like saying depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder or ADHD only exist to force people to buy medication. Its completely stupid, ass-backwards, factually wrong, insulting, chauvanist, ignorant, cracker-ass nonsense to say that.

The "point" isn't that big pharma or hormone therapy exist, the point is that medical and scientific advancement is often curtailed in favor of profit, or people who need therapy, medication and procedures are denied it due to capitalist corporate bureaucracy and lack of funds and hoarding of resources that everyone has a right to for free or dirt-cheap, just like in Cuba and China and DPRK.

Even the far-right monarchist shithole Saudi Arabia and Iran have free gender-affirming therapy and hormone treatments for transgender and non-binary people.

To deny that non-white people don't face extra persecution for trivial, not-important or out of their control characteristics, lifestyles and stereotypes is blatantly false.

I'm fucking Latino. I'm partially German/White, mixed with a majority of Spanish and Mexican descent, sprinkled with some partial Indigenous Native American and Aztec heritage and a dash of Jewish blood.

Don't you have the fucking gaul to deny my experiences or my people's experiences just because you haven't experienced racism, ableism, lookism that I and other people have, or you just don't care.

Its because of you fucking cracker ass white supremacist alt-reich honkey pieces of shit that I have to hide my fucking identity. You PatSocs, MAGA "communists" are fascists in red-paint. I've interacted with thousands of you, and maybe 2 of you are even somewhat decent-people to my face. You are nazi pricks and a fucking disgrace to leftism, socialism, communism, anti-capitalists, and just decency. I'd almost rather work with anarchists than you punk ass cunts, and that's saying a whole goddamn lot.

In my personal experience, there is a major problem in communist circles of people being class reductionist, that class is the only thing that matters, just as much or possibly even more than the stereotypical white supremacist serving liberal narrative of "anything but class".

The Amerikkkan capitalist state and the racist ass pigs and the common people who are reactionaries throw my fellow Latino and Hispanic human beings in concentration camps, racially profile and imprison people of color at higher rates for lesser or no crimes, infringe on the territory and nations of Indigenous and People of Color federations and countries, bomb brown people, lynch us for speaking our mind and standing up for what's right, and we are treated like low-lifes despite the hardships and unfairness we face on an hourly basis. Latinos, African-Americans, Asian people and Indigenous people of the U.S. and the globe, and women and non-binary people, face the brunt of Amerikkkan capitalist imperialist fascism, and we are arguably some of the strongest and most passionate communists. We are the key to global human liberation, and you can't even be bothered to shut the fuck up and listen to us, and then you blame us when you white PatSocs fail. If you'd be willing to shut the fuck up, apologize, and own up to your mistakes and recruit BIPOC and LGBT people, we may actually fucking get somewhere. That includes understanding that class-reductionism is a problem, just as much if not more than "anything but class" is a problem.

You insult my friend RainerShea by posting this nazbol shit. Rainer is someone I greatly respect and lookup to, even if I disagree with them on this, I politely talk to him because he is mostly reasonable and willing to listen and not use his privilege as a battering ram. And he has a good heart and probably a giant dick.

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I didn’t call myself anything at all nazbol

I did say that sex is a bimodal distribution but I’m guessing u have absolutely no idea what that even means seeing as u went on that rant about the number 2....

You’re right. Racism has never existed. White supremacy is not real. Nazis just don’t even exist. Trans people don’t exist. In fact black people don’t exist. Actually no, people don’t exist. No wait, the earth doesn’t exist. The actual earth is just a class structure.....

As I said before, the idea that intersectionality is anti-Marxist is not a platform to build your right wing agenda on. Everything boiling down to being a class issue is great but we here on earth have to still acknowledge the very very real effects of things like racism & white supremacy, sexism, homophobia & transphobia. Only someone sitting in an extraordinarily comfortable position could come up with the absurdity that you’re shitting out of your face hole.

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Still laughing at what was supposed to be a fact based and logically sound argument. (Clearly only in YOUR mind) Straw man, ad hominem, red herring, and false dichotomy galore. Such is the state of the "educational" system in the West. Nonsensical blibber. And of course you couldn't even answer the last simple question about: Listing the privileges and special oppression as per "races" of people. Yawn. Time to hit the mute button after the first lack of argumentation followed by yet another. Tootles from my "comfortable position" whatever that means as you have yet to answer that rhetorical question. Calling me a nazbol is like the sprinkles on a cake!

And "trans" people do not exist. There are only people who call themselves tran$ that exist. I know reading comprehension is not your strong suit, but those two statements of fact are irrefutable. Something like people who don't even grasp basic materialism claiming claiming to be Marxists. They simply SELF-IDENTIFY as such and like magic in their own little fantasy land it becomes "true". Sexed bodies exist and the homophobia of the people who call themselves trans (not possible to change sex) is most clearly seen with the case of those heterosexual males calling themselves "lesbians". (How homosexuality can exist if there's no such thing as a sexed body by these morons is never mentioned.) Alas, using facts, science and logic is a waste of my time since you didn't get it the first two times it was explained.

Everyone else, including Nazis ( fascism; a corporate sponsored economic and state oppression--like the Tran$ (TM) with the STATE having laws economically and violently enforcing this money making advertising for a mythical third form of human) does exist. If the working class interferes with this huge capitalist money maker by using fact to contradict the sales pitch, they are fired and black listed and in California even "misgendering" a transvestic fetishist can get a care worker (all races in the proletariat) a year in jail and a 1K fine. Stating facts is a "hate crime" so enforced lying about material reality is in both the economic and criminal sections of "LAW". The state is a tool of the ruling class, as this is its only purpose and the corporatismo is on full display with this "identity" off a rack idiocy. Ditto for the use of the word "queer" for all people who are not homosexual. Identify yourself as something you aren't to be conformist and have a PURITY test to exclude the majority of WORKING CLASS people of every race. Strangely looks just like FASCISM to me. Claiming a "superior" race or in this case, non-existent category of human as a protected (from whom) class of people using corporate/state power. Actually fits the definition of fascism. It is a capitalist political economy after all, just as buying a fake identity or in the case of the Nazis fake identity as a mythical superior race "different" from that of everyone else especially OTHER CAUCASIANS for their imperialist ends.


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I disproved you wrong already, which is easy because you provided no proof for your claims and just spewed reactionary fascist nonsense.

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Will you shut the fuck up and eat a gun barrel.

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Reading scientific literature and being scientifically literate isn't your strong suit.

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i like to say incoherent things on the internet, too.

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Clearly. Did you have a point you wished to refute or are you incapable of anything other than a middle school level ad hominem?

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I'm still very uncomfortable with you even just tacitly supporting RATWM. I think its a lost cause, and while its not impossible to have some people become hardline marxists and join our side because of agitation, its looking like a burning heap of trash and a sinking Titanic.

I agree with some of your overall gist, but I really think you're being too hard on this line of thought. I won't attack you personally though, you're better than that and I mostly trust you.

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