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Not a Christian myself but raised Catholic. There is not a shred of actual evidence that Jesus actually existed, but anyone who has actually read the New Testament will recall that Jesus mostly "spread his nets" among the poor (working class). The most bougy apostle was Paul, and his "Road to Damascus" story was probably bullshit. He is also the most problematic for being in contradiction to much of JC's actual teachings. The messaging the Gospels actually retains: Give away all you have to those who need it and follow me. It's easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than for rich people to live decent lives. Merchants and money handlers (exploiters) gtf out. Some on the "right" may still, even unconsciously, be aware of this messaging.

That said, the folks in our local Catholic Worker community are silent about the Ukraine situation and after decades of being anti-war are parroting anti-Putin messages. This is a tough one, and we need new allies.

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