Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party elite are not at all serious about protecting the environment in the Arctic, which is another way of saying "preventing economic development." On our current trajectory (which I hope is halted), Capital will eventually prevail and impose the development you're wishing for, which I and others will consider tragedy not progress.

I'm sure you have a label for this perspective so please feel free to share it in a reply.

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"But a country like Russia, which is free from the domination of international monopoly capital, does what’s economically rational and healthy" . Not the Russia, I know

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Nuclear is too centralized and dangerous. We can supply our energy needs with renewables alone. Check out Solar Tony on Facebook 4 to 6pm CST. Saturdays.

Unfortunately we have politics blocking us from accessing the most affordable solar panels and $10,000 per car electric cars from China. Our politicians have been blocking our access and not allowing similar projects to create such products here. Why? Nuclear maintains their control over our energy better than a more decentralized energy grid, just like coal and oil. And I promise you, I am no anarcho-syndicalist.

You may not understand some cultures are more honest about not trusting themselves to not fuqq up when it comes to nuclear anything. One example is The Hellenic Republic. I'm going to be using that term from now on because that's how they see themselves, that's what they want to be called, not the slave name they got from functionally 800 years under the Turkish yoke.

So the Hellenes are pretty abrupt about saying, "Hell no, I would not trust my fellow citizen with nuclear anything." That's the sentiment. This is an insight from having been married to one, living there and having citizenship there also and three children with duel citizenship as well.

Just thought I would let you see something from inside the culture because we are both "exeno" outsiders because we weren't born and raised there. So some understandings of other places can be pretty different than what we originally guess. And this then contrasts to the story about reasonableness of scientific/engineering practice. They lost too many peoples of their country to slaughter and rape by their former slave masters, had large losses in WW2, then the US instigated a civil war there on the heels of WW2 which cost huge amounts of lives and suffering. Then the US backed a bloody right-wing coup of four low level colonels that tortured and murdered people. Then with Veroufakis being forced to sign the loan agreement from Troika and the banksters and selling off their infrastructure to private entities that don't maintain it properly.....omgoodness. They had a major rail accident killing a large number of their youth for lack of upkeep so profits could be had. Many only children died. How many are still fleeing across the globe because there is an economic noose around their necks? The Hellenic diaspora has been going on for a very long time and it doesn't look like it will abate soon.

You know Veroufakis explained how the banksters told him that change of parties was allowed but no change of economic policy would be tolerated. The noose is around their necks, they are more honest in some ways in talking about politics. But a traumatized culture stays a traumatized culture for a very long time especially when retraumatized including economically. And we too are traumatizing our own people economicslly.

Where does the trauma lead? Finger pointing at women, minorities, migrants, lgbtq, sorry if I forgot any letters I truly want to respect everyone, youth, ....you know this is what the Crapitalist Overlords want instead of doing the hardest thing: taking on the new kings- the paedo-raping Island Crapitalist Overlord billionaires that are screwing our people in so many ways and the planetary climate as a whole.

There now is no concensus of climate change prediction because methane ice crystals are melting so rapidly releasing into the air. The one thing agreed upon is that they underestimated global warming by a large measure. That's their only agreement. The models are kaput. Will this exascerbate human suffering greatly? I believe it will.

Will that suffering translate to the people taking a more reasonable and responsible change of course that includes a major revisioning of wealth creation, accumulation and distribution based on better values? I hope so. I hope we don't degenerate to predating amongst ourselves even more rather than take on the cause of the hellscape: our neofeudal overlords of Crapitalism.

I recently went to the picnic put on by the chapter of the AFL-CIO for Labor day. My observations? The tables of African Americans were more gender integrated than anyone else. I, a white woman, yes oddly different in my own way was much more warmly greeted at their tables.

When I sat at a table of two white guys, an American Asian guy and a Hispanic origined man who didn't speak Spanish I asked the question "Why are the Communist Chinese living longer and having more intact families?" Can you guess what I got for that question? I got two white guys leaving in a seemingly tactful manner, the Asian looking man just watching and that third man said, " American women are just hoes." Yes the communication was hateful in every aspect. Tone, demeanor, and he stood up and turned his back to me as an additional intentional rudeness, paused very deliberately then walked away. I think if he could have punched me he might have. Sorry but not sorry, I am a 62 year old disabled woman. What a coward and creep.

What prediction can we make about the society at present? Is the 4th Reich here already?

I exercise anyway the best I can. I grow some food. I just killed some rat with my bare hand. I dream of scraping a few pennies together to go buy a real rifle and target practice, deer hunt, practice, dream of being a Ludmila. I don't want a civil war but I do fear it. I see through a dark lens. I hope there are better places, more good-spirited people (men especially) than what I have been shown here. I don't think some behaviors and attitudes belong at all in a civil society. So that tells me we exited a civil society already. It tells me the patriarchy is the root of the American 4th Reich.

There you have it. And it's only getting hotter.

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You don't really understand the science of modern nuclear energy

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That's hilarious. I actually like math. The most challenging part of nuclear energy is not when everything goes right. The challenging part is the phenomena occuring during a meltdown with prediction for how water will behave under such quickly escalating high heat. There is still disagreement between flow phenomena experts. Applied physics degrees may look into this but nontraditional branches of chemical engineering have flow research experts too and some give a thumbs down.

So what do you think you know? More than someone who wrote a tome of a PhD dissertation! I doubt it

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So my point is that many Hellenes fear disappearing as a people altogether and the idea of risking more of their population, a deeply tragically traumatized one(and therefore the honest assessment of not trusting each other with nuclear anything) is not acceptable. Therefore the big unwavering "no" to nuclear anything. Hellenes and x-Yugos seem to be the epitome of blunt. Just my experience. And yes he was vlahos(village)-born(even more blunt).

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