The Houthi insurgency shows how Che Guevara’s military theory must be updated for the modern era
Since Che Guevara wrote Guerrilla Warfare, his findings on how an irregular army can wage war against a conventional army, military technologies (as well as civilian technologies) have changed in ways that render his conclusions in need of being updated.
The Houthi insurgency shows how Che Guevara’s military theory must be updated for the modern era
The Houthi insurgency shows how Che Guevara’s…
The Houthi insurgency shows how Che Guevara’s military theory must be updated for the modern era
Since Che Guevara wrote Guerrilla Warfare, his findings on how an irregular army can wage war against a conventional army, military technologies (as well as civilian technologies) have changed in ways that render his conclusions in need of being updated.