Dilettantes. Those red libs you're talking about are dilettantes; they can't conceive of actually rubbing shoulders with ordinary working class people. In their own way, they look down upon the opinions of the uncredentialed working class just as condescendingly as wealthy liberals do.

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Amen, Rainer.

And on a positive action side of this, we who understand wtf is going on can begin mending any relationships we may have sabotaged, back when we were younger and misled. I've apologized to many conservatives who I cut off in the past. (More conversationally cut off- they remained acquiantances, but I rudely dismissed their politics.)

Also, I gotta give credit to MTG. She's from my state, and sure she sucks on Israel. But she 1) was one of 2 congressmen who voted against continued sanctions on Syria, 2) she loudly complained when we had a formula shortage due to us gov supported monopolies, 3) she said in an interview that the US gov leaves dead bodies wherever it goes, 4) she just caught Fauci in a lie, and used dog abuse to do it (a fine technique to elicit sympathy from pro-covid lockdown people), etc.

She's portrayed as an idiot because if people heard what she said they'd agree with her.

That being said, the revolution starts with us, not with any politician or election. I just want to give credit where it's due because there's so few who deserve any mention whatsoever 😂

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I hate the Caleb Maupin is so often right, because he's so annoying to listen to.

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