Thanks for the insights, I appreciate your work.

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Yes, such as Paul Street's "The Lame Left: Eight Afflictions" published 6/9/23 on Counterpunch.org, "This bizarre, weirdly soft neo-Strasser-ite tendency (Gregor and Otto Strasser tried to uphold a workerist and socialist tendency within the capitalist fascist German Nazi Party) is linked to a reptilian handful of grifters including (in descending IQ order) frequent Tucker “Goebbels” Carlson Fatherland News guest Glenn Greenwald; Krystal Ball (it may be unfair to include her but maybe not); Max Blumenthal; Caitlin Johnstone; the late Diana Johnstone (who once wrote me that climate change has nothing to do with capitalism and likens Marine Le Pen’s fascist National Front to the Vietnamese national liberation movement); the comical Boogaloo Bois fan and Carlson friend Jimmy Dore; People’s Party activist Nick Brana." Some on this list collaborate, but not all, I don't think. Any way to spread the word is progress; most Americans are oblivious to the reality of US imperialistic terrorism.

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