PSL and ANSWER are notorious for co-opting organically created mass struggles; they routinely insert themselves into events related to the fights of oppressed peoples, and make their brand excessively visible so that they can gain in fundraising and recruitment.
This is classic federal asset behavior. They are basically saying, "Yes, we're Feds, we're in your face, and what are you going to do about it?" There was an op in the eighties and 90's called "The International Socialist Organization," and this was their go-to disruption. "The Campaign to End the Death Penalty" was a spin-off group. These are insidious, soulless people. Be prepared for a lot of this kind of nonsense. "They work so hard" to do wrong, evil shit, for money. There are other tells, too. The thing is, if you list them all, then they can change their tactics up and it will be harder to recognize them. But there are consistent characteristics, not the least of which is using identity politics to keep the people colonized and apart.
I think psl made a big mistake with that anti-war coalition rally, in terms of their own strategy. This one event and the reaction from both Brian Becker and the WSWS was what got me expanding my interest further away from the safe leftist zone. [ In my defense, I'm working with an average person's knowledge of computers, so while you and Caleb Maupin and Peter Coffin and Garland Nixon and others are out there, it really takes a stubborn, curious mindset to find like-minded people. And note it was Jimmy Dore, whom other opportunistic people constantly trash, who guided me to the first link (Garland) in that chain. ]
When the Rage rally happened, and opportunists trashed it, I did have some self-doubt. "What do I not understand here?"- type feelings. But I've been identitying with the working class for long enough to know that deception is always possible. The Becker thing had me saying out loud, over and over, "wtf?" I remember listening to his program and saying over and over, "what the f'ing f?!" Wsws was the same, and while I knew they were "off" because of the covid thing, and Trump, the smooth Becker voice had lulled me into somehow accepting his brand.
Until that rally. So there is a silver lining to even that small negative bit regarding the rally: It made a Most Massive Contradiction become obvious. The simple numbers-based argument of coalitions makes too much sense, even with all the gas-lit streets that try their damnedest to funnel people into a dead end.
This is classic federal asset behavior. They are basically saying, "Yes, we're Feds, we're in your face, and what are you going to do about it?" There was an op in the eighties and 90's called "The International Socialist Organization," and this was their go-to disruption. "The Campaign to End the Death Penalty" was a spin-off group. These are insidious, soulless people. Be prepared for a lot of this kind of nonsense. "They work so hard" to do wrong, evil shit, for money. There are other tells, too. The thing is, if you list them all, then they can change their tactics up and it will be harder to recognize them. But there are consistent characteristics, not the least of which is using identity politics to keep the people colonized and apart.
I think psl made a big mistake with that anti-war coalition rally, in terms of their own strategy. This one event and the reaction from both Brian Becker and the WSWS was what got me expanding my interest further away from the safe leftist zone. [ In my defense, I'm working with an average person's knowledge of computers, so while you and Caleb Maupin and Peter Coffin and Garland Nixon and others are out there, it really takes a stubborn, curious mindset to find like-minded people. And note it was Jimmy Dore, whom other opportunistic people constantly trash, who guided me to the first link (Garland) in that chain. ]
When the Rage rally happened, and opportunists trashed it, I did have some self-doubt. "What do I not understand here?"- type feelings. But I've been identitying with the working class for long enough to know that deception is always possible. The Becker thing had me saying out loud, over and over, "wtf?" I remember listening to his program and saying over and over, "what the f'ing f?!" Wsws was the same, and while I knew they were "off" because of the covid thing, and Trump, the smooth Becker voice had lulled me into somehow accepting his brand.
Until that rally. So there is a silver lining to even that small negative bit regarding the rally: It made a Most Massive Contradiction become obvious. The simple numbers-based argument of coalitions makes too much sense, even with all the gas-lit streets that try their damnedest to funnel people into a dead end.