This - this "left" that is hostile towards ordinary people- this was so confusing during my wake-up period. Because the real left is algorithmically suppressed and literally impossible to find via typical methods, all I had was my gut instinct. My gut cried out, "Snobs!"
I didn't have anywhere to go, but the contradiction was too much. I can see how young people would get bedazzled by countergangs- they have less life experience. And it is life experience that teaches us to pay attention when something seems off. To have the conviction to say, "I don't know why these people are acting in ways that destroy our chances of change, but I do know you aren't gonna win anything if you make enemies with everybody." That simple argument- you need numbers to win- made it obvious to me that something was off.
Pretty good thesis, but I have one big point of push back. You focus only on 'left' counter-gangs, and fail to address (and even at one point deny) that right wing counter-gangs are just as prevalent and incisive, and are a *key* factor of the elite's strategy, which is to divide the left and right equally against each other and keep them perpetually fighting over various iterations of identity and bodily autonomy.
Elites Must Manipulate Both Left & Right Equally
This elite strategy simply would not work without counter-insurgents constantly manipulating *both* the left *and* the right in equal measure. If they only manipulate the left, the left will quickly dominate and then turn against the oligarchy once there is no substantial body of rightists to fight with any more. 'Antifa' is *useless* to the oligarchy, if the 'Proud Boys' are not equally strong and belligerent. Elites can't stoke a perpetual war without ensuring that there are two equally powerful and indoctrinated 'sides' fighting.
Those Standing Against A Counter-Gang Are Not Always Counter-Gangs Themselves
Another crucial dynamic in all this, is that leftists opposing a right wing counter-gang are often *not* a counter-gang themselves. To use your example of the 'Rage Against the War Machine' rally, it is absolutely *crucial* to understand that the Mises Caucus (which now runs the US Libertarian Party, and which organized the rally) *is* a counter-gang. The Mises Caucus truly *is* unabashedly white supremacist and says so openly.
The Real Left vs The Mises Caucus
This reality put true leftist organizations like Black Alliance for Peace and Black Agenda Report (and their white allies) in a position from which they simply could *not* join the rally because it would have meant legitimizing the Mises Caucus - a totally unacceptable prospect for anyone working in the trenches to end systemic racism and the prison and police industrial complex.
Both Left & Right Counter-Gangs Must Be Dismantled
There is no way to make this dilemma easy to resolve, and dismissing those leftists who rejected the Mises Caucus as merely blind (or to incorrectly paint them as counter-gangs themselves, when in fact their insoluble quandary is real) doesn't resolve the problem. Both left *and* right counter-gangs must be dismantled and thrown to the curb if we are to succeed against the modern counterinsurgency.
It's not good enough to solely bash and deconstruct the left. We need to take on both the Judy *and* the Punch puppets of the counterinsurgency.
This - this "left" that is hostile towards ordinary people- this was so confusing during my wake-up period. Because the real left is algorithmically suppressed and literally impossible to find via typical methods, all I had was my gut instinct. My gut cried out, "Snobs!"
I didn't have anywhere to go, but the contradiction was too much. I can see how young people would get bedazzled by countergangs- they have less life experience. And it is life experience that teaches us to pay attention when something seems off. To have the conviction to say, "I don't know why these people are acting in ways that destroy our chances of change, but I do know you aren't gonna win anything if you make enemies with everybody." That simple argument- you need numbers to win- made it obvious to me that something was off.
Pretty good thesis, but I have one big point of push back. You focus only on 'left' counter-gangs, and fail to address (and even at one point deny) that right wing counter-gangs are just as prevalent and incisive, and are a *key* factor of the elite's strategy, which is to divide the left and right equally against each other and keep them perpetually fighting over various iterations of identity and bodily autonomy.
Elites Must Manipulate Both Left & Right Equally
This elite strategy simply would not work without counter-insurgents constantly manipulating *both* the left *and* the right in equal measure. If they only manipulate the left, the left will quickly dominate and then turn against the oligarchy once there is no substantial body of rightists to fight with any more. 'Antifa' is *useless* to the oligarchy, if the 'Proud Boys' are not equally strong and belligerent. Elites can't stoke a perpetual war without ensuring that there are two equally powerful and indoctrinated 'sides' fighting.
Those Standing Against A Counter-Gang Are Not Always Counter-Gangs Themselves
Another crucial dynamic in all this, is that leftists opposing a right wing counter-gang are often *not* a counter-gang themselves. To use your example of the 'Rage Against the War Machine' rally, it is absolutely *crucial* to understand that the Mises Caucus (which now runs the US Libertarian Party, and which organized the rally) *is* a counter-gang. The Mises Caucus truly *is* unabashedly white supremacist and says so openly.
The Real Left vs The Mises Caucus
This reality put true leftist organizations like Black Alliance for Peace and Black Agenda Report (and their white allies) in a position from which they simply could *not* join the rally because it would have meant legitimizing the Mises Caucus - a totally unacceptable prospect for anyone working in the trenches to end systemic racism and the prison and police industrial complex.
Both Left & Right Counter-Gangs Must Be Dismantled
There is no way to make this dilemma easy to resolve, and dismissing those leftists who rejected the Mises Caucus as merely blind (or to incorrectly paint them as counter-gangs themselves, when in fact their insoluble quandary is real) doesn't resolve the problem. Both left *and* right counter-gangs must be dismantled and thrown to the curb if we are to succeed against the modern counterinsurgency.
It's not good enough to solely bash and deconstruct the left. We need to take on both the Judy *and* the Punch puppets of the counterinsurgency.