Jun 16, 2023Liked by Rainer Shea ☭

Ever since Russia began the SMO in Donbass, I have wondered if this would be the beginning of the end for US hegemony. I’ve always felt that until someone stepped up to US imperialism, resource extraction and military destruction of any country who resists, there would be no significant changes for the working class.

With China and others allying with Russia, BRICs strengthening its networks and agreements, my hope has increased the US will be brought to heel. Time will tell.

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The elites are aware the mess the Nation is in. That is the primary reason for things like Hamilton 68, and all the noise about Jan 6 which in reality was much less about Trump, and an "insurrection" that was little more than a protest, and much more about instilling fear of protest and ultimately revolution in the American People. We have the Uni-Party. If you rock their boat you go to jail. https://open.substack.com/pub/heininger/p/president-joe-belligerent-goes-to?r=16lm0&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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At the time, it wasn’t the right decision for them to refuse to join with ANSWER. Then ANSWER crossed that huge boundary where they attacked RAWM, and the PSL showed itself to be not worth working with.

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You mean the threat of fascism? In Germany, the betrayals of the left’s reformists made a united front against fascism between them and the radicals against impossible. That’s the scenario we’re in. We on the radical side need to be self-reliant in this fight, we don’t have any other choice.

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We tried to unite with them, and by we I mean people like me and PCUSA. Then they opportunistically attacked us. I’ve given up on building unity with the reformist orgs, and am now trying to bring the Marxists who used to align with them to our cause.

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