Jul 7Liked by Rainer Shea ☭

As always I massively appreciate your writings (and that you don't paywall them.)

I would like to engage you in a thought experiment.

I am of the mindset that if a person with proto-revolutionary consciousness agrees with me on all tenets of a communist government, but hates the word communism, then I simply avoid the word communism. Because a word, in my opinion, does not make something real. Imo, the only thing that matters is the content. The label means nothing.

I live in the state of Georgia, and I am surrounded by proto-revolutionaries. I have shown several of them CPI's 4 point plan for a transitional gov. They are on board. Except. They have been psy-opped to hate the words "communism" and "socialism". They were taught by malicious actors that DEMOCRATS are Communists. That Joe Biden is a communist. This is a real thing. It's very real. Communism to them are the "squad". AOC. You get my drift? I can't emphasize enough how serious this psyop is.

But the psyop has a fault:

These people around me agree 100% with having an economy organized for the good of the people, not the profits of a select few. But say the word "socialism" and congratulations, you've burned that bridge. I have a friend who has avoided all contact with me since the day I told her I was a communist. I was so excited, I'd just found CPI. And I blew it all by identifying as a communist. Because this friend has a proto-revolutionary consciousness. She is a kind, loving person. But she believes the psyop. When I told her I was a communist, she heard "Rachel is a hardcore Democrat who hates the masses." I poisoned the well by saying a word.

When you were growing up, did you know any picky eaters? I did, my best friend Kelly. One time my family took Kelly to a seafood restaurant. Kelly swore she hated crabcakes. Never tasted one in her life. But she knew she hated them. Until that day at the restaurant, when my dad managed to get her to take a bite of one. He sure didn't tell her it was a crabcake. He just said, "hey, try this." And that dat Kelly discovered she loved crabcakes.

I think there is nuance in this issue, and I think it needs further discussion. I'd rather have people on board who agree with all the tenets of a planned economy, instead of passing them over because they hate a word. Because their definition of that word is incorrect, and they agree with everything the word stands for.

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Please note, I do think there is a simple way to defeat the anti-China propaganda. And it was my husband's idea. My husband has never read a book about communism. He's earned his living with his hands. And he told me recently that once upon a time he believed the lies about China.

And he told me, that what instantly changed his mind was seeing people get interviewed about life in China. Same with Russia.

So my husband's idea was to make videos interviewing people who actually live in China. Questions he suggested include, What do you do for a living? How much do you make at your job? How much does it cost to buy groceries? How much is your cell phone bill? Your rent? Do you get any days off from work? Are they paid days off, and how many? What happens if you had a car accident and got seriously injured? Would you owe a huge hospital bill?

Etc, etc. Just show them that their anti-China mindset is incorrect by showing them what life is like in China for ordinary people.

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