Thank you. I see how you are analizing this moment. Most Marxists dilute in minor aspects.

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There was a recent CNN poll that only 50% of Americans unreservedly supported Israel, and it was taken BEFORE the Israelis leveled that hospital.

I'm 65, and that's a stunningly low figure of American support for Israel when the latter is loudly declaiming it's waging war for its own survival.

Times have changed. I think most Americans have been lied to by their government and institutions for so long, and we've been spending money on overseas war instead of at home where it is needed so badly by so many tens of millions, that many of us will no longer believe them if they say rain is wet without independent verification.

The Empire's in more trouble than its elites realize, which is a pretty common phenomenon in history if you think about it.

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Does it matter if only 30 percent or 40 percent or 44 percent or four percent answer these unscientific crappy polls about support (what the hell is that?) for Isra --Hell? It's in the water, man, the schools, the media, the press, the entertainment, the high and low tech, the medicine, the CDC and CIA and Cartels. Polls? When do POLLS determine policy, and who gets the bombs, intel, bioweapons?

This is America's friend right here, and Blinken-Yellen-Garland-Nuland-Kagan will tell Joe "I-Finallly-Have-A-Jewish-Son-in-Lawiin-the-Family "Biden what to do when Larry x 2 (Fink and Summers) and Bloomberg and Soros and the entire Vanguard group come to visit.

My tax dollars funding these fascists here:


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Ahh, you have way too much faith in polls, in AmeriKKKans, and where the American Mindset is moving.

Savages. In the DNA. Even the former slaves of U$A will be the foot soldiers . . . Zionism is deep, and Ukraine is Zionist:

Cory Booker's Boot Licking, Butt Kissing, and Buck Dancing for Zionism


Ukraine and Blackrock and ZioAzovLensky, it's all part of the Israel 2.0.



Here, history lesson of note: Why the Jews of Khazaria, the Himyarites and GokTurk Empire are Keys to Universal History / MATTHEW EHRET


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