Apr 9Liked by Rainer Shea ☭

The biggest reason to completely sever ties with the left is that our association with the left makes us look bad in the eyes of the audience most likely to positively receive our message. The empire psychologists really did a good job of representing socialism and communism as basically snobby liberals who vote 3rd party. The best thing we can do for a socialist revolution is to renounce the left, and that should be easy since it is meaningless now.

As to how the empire smears individuals- I'm not sure it's as deep as you think. I was one of those morons with TDS. I was under the spell for about 2 years.

The vast majority of TDS sufferers know nothing about world politics and international relations. They're fed surface- level lies. The internet is complicit, so the lies hold unless a person finds a contradiction they cannot accept. Point is, when I had TDS, I would hate someone because they told me to. Period.

I luckily didn't find Caleb until I was out of that trance, but I hated a lot of people or simply labeled them "bad" or "stupid" because I was told they were bad. The propagandists make up at most 2 sentences to trash someone. They use loaded language to prime you, like "right wing". So they don't give much of an explanation for why, but they are so earnest you assume they must know what they're talking about.

I assumed the people in charge knew things I didn't and if they said someone is bad, they knew facts I did not know. I cannot emphasize enough how much trust I put in them.

Also, I was confused before my worldview shattered, but at the time it was a sense of boredom and endless searching. I knew that the world was an interesting place, but the newspapers I read like Wapo and the Times presented the world in a way that turned me off from learning more. I couldn't put my finger on what was wrong, just that there was a time in my life when reading was exciting. Now I realize I was bored because their narratives were shallow and confusing. You're never told why we are bombing a country- like, what did the country do to incite this? It's just presented as the most normal thing in the world, to bomb countries, to hate Putin, etc. They primed me to hate. So they just gave a name and poof, that person is hated. No actual explanation needed, and I went along because I thought everybody else was going along.

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Kinda disagree, Hinkle is not a Marxist.

The old dialogue between Non-Marxist Communist and Marxist-Leninist Communists had finally returned. The Ukraine War is the last and fifth stage of death for the USSR, and to an extent, a rebirth of Marxist-Leninist Communism critique.

The traditional Leftist-Communist alliance is coming to an end, this is the reality, begging the loyalty.

This marriage of circumstance was so old, far too many taking it for granted.

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Absolutely. We aren't here to win purity contests or virtue signaling awards. We need to defeat imperialism. I am sickened by those who go after Maupin, because he has done an enormous amount to fight imperialism and he has stood strong against unfair attacks.

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