Trump has no plan to exterminate Gaza. You just made that up. Have you ever credited him with the ceasefire that stopped the mass killing in Palestine? I'd wager no, or you caveated it with 100 reasons why Trump So Bad For Gaza.
Seems you would have preferred Kamala in office, still dumping bombs, but saying nice words? That is the only conclusion one can draw from essay after essay focused on "Trump Bad, Don't Ever Hope!"
I mean, certainly in your estimation, it is much worse for a president to say "the Riviera of Gaza" than to send and drop hundreds of thousands of bombs. By your logic it is much, much worse to say Mean Words. Surely there is no other possible reason Trump would say those four words than that he is all yay on genocide. Never mind the ceasefire that his people forced on Israel. You'd rather the bombs kept falling, I reckon. How dare he say Riviera of Gaza! The ceasefire wasn't good enough! Israel broke the ceasefire so it was all bullshit! What else can we be angry about during our 30 minutes of daily anger?!! Gotta be about Trump!!! Gotta hate MAGA!!!!
Have you written anything about The Good Things that Trump is doing, or are you firmly allied with the Wholly Irrelevant "Left" allied with the Identity Left who codes "Trump bad" and therefore ignore any non-left purveyors of info? I rather doubt you ever read or listen to nuanced opinions on Trump's actions, as your goal is Sensationalist Left Coverage of Trump Bad.
How do you not see that the entire country absolutely despises the left? How do you not see the MAGA movement already trying for revolution? But it's not good enough for you. A MAGA person might say something irreverent about an undocumented immigrant, and therefore MAGA SO BAD. Nuance is for the birds, right? If someone says one Thing Bad, they are a worthless, evil person.
For some reason I thought you wrote with nuance, but that disappeared as soon as Trump took office. Nothing exists in your essays except Palestine- that is the ONLY metric to judge world leaders, we're all fucked, so just give up. I mean thinking you're gonna revive communism when you have a whole revolutionary movement right in front of your face- well it's a very misguided perspective. I'd blame it on your youth but I thought you were smarter than that. Why associate with CPI when you absolutely despise non-leftists?
You must think we have decades to "build a leftist movement". And this-this constant striving for what doesn’t exist and blindness to what does- is why the left, where you insist on planting yourself, is completely and utterly irrelevant, with an Absolute Incapacity for Nuanced Thought.
“How do you not see that the entire country absolutely despises the left? How do you not see the MAGA movement already trying for revolution? But it's not good enough for you. A MAGA person might say something irreverent about an undocumented immigrant, and therefore MAGA SO BAD. Nuance is for the birds, right? If someone says one Thing Bad, they are a worthless, evil person.”
You're really upset for someone who's giving fascists and the dupes who believe them so much latitude.
Trump = JEW WORLD ORDER of the banking dynasty and allied criminal .00001% super duper rich Jewish families. They've had control of the Whitehouse for over 100 years.
Look at the words you wrote. You are claiming that in my comment I am blaming Judaism and "the Jewish people" but I didn't mention Judaism and I even specifically denoted the tiny group of Jewish INDIVIDUALS who are so flagrantly guilty. The cognitive dissonance rage of brainwashing is causing you to attack me.
To use the word Zionism negates the long history of heinous disgusting Jewish conspiracies and atrocities that predate the word, which only came into use around 1850-1860. Freedom of speech is a very good thing. I can use it to bludgeon the stupidity out of you without getting my hands dirty
You're not doing a very good job of anything but making very clear what your motivation is but hey keep throwing around your tropes and baseless accusations that aids the Zionists.
You're exactly the antisemite they want and need so badly to exist.
So back to my simple comment. I could provide many links to back up what I said about 1 Trump being obviously controlled by the Jew World Order, and 2 that said Jew World Order has been in charge of the Whitehouse for at least 100 years. In fact, speaking of Humboldt county, we had a statue of president William McKinley which got taken down from the plaza, where I first met the author of this article, and McKinley was assassinated by a Jewish conspiracy of bankers because he was a hard money man. Ironically all talk of this in the local media there was shouted down by cries of antisemitism. Another irony there was that the McKinley statue removal was inspired by the wave of statue removal in the wake of the Charlottesville statue removal false flag divide and conquer psyop focused on Confederate state removal- McKinley had been a civil war hero- FOR THE NORTH... and a staunch abolitionist as well, but that's how Jewish brainwashing works... Very effective, and facts are meaningless. But here's a couple links for you anyway, showing how they did Epstein style political sex blackmail of Woodrow Wilson, and how Trump comes from the Jewish heroin money laundry Resorts International (Jew) "casinos" where his overlords were actually JFK's killers namely Tibor Rosenbaum jisrael's hidden swiss banker and mossad financier, Meyer Lansky 'the Mobs Jewish Brain,' and a fella named Rothschild. They killed JFK because he was putting his foot down over the Dimona nuclear weapons project.
Rump the Donald also had a good foot in the door connection to the Jew World Order through his father who was astonishingly closely tied to Jewish organized crime and early jewish terrorists in jisrael. When folks talk about the Italian Mafia, does every Italian person on earth get all bent out of shape and feel they are being personally attacked and included as members of the cosa nostra? Scar your assumptions and accusations against me are laughable.
Trump has no plan to exterminate Gaza. You just made that up. Have you ever credited him with the ceasefire that stopped the mass killing in Palestine? I'd wager no, or you caveated it with 100 reasons why Trump So Bad For Gaza.
Seems you would have preferred Kamala in office, still dumping bombs, but saying nice words? That is the only conclusion one can draw from essay after essay focused on "Trump Bad, Don't Ever Hope!"
I mean, certainly in your estimation, it is much worse for a president to say "the Riviera of Gaza" than to send and drop hundreds of thousands of bombs. By your logic it is much, much worse to say Mean Words. Surely there is no other possible reason Trump would say those four words than that he is all yay on genocide. Never mind the ceasefire that his people forced on Israel. You'd rather the bombs kept falling, I reckon. How dare he say Riviera of Gaza! The ceasefire wasn't good enough! Israel broke the ceasefire so it was all bullshit! What else can we be angry about during our 30 minutes of daily anger?!! Gotta be about Trump!!! Gotta hate MAGA!!!!
Have you written anything about The Good Things that Trump is doing, or are you firmly allied with the Wholly Irrelevant "Left" allied with the Identity Left who codes "Trump bad" and therefore ignore any non-left purveyors of info? I rather doubt you ever read or listen to nuanced opinions on Trump's actions, as your goal is Sensationalist Left Coverage of Trump Bad.
How do you not see that the entire country absolutely despises the left? How do you not see the MAGA movement already trying for revolution? But it's not good enough for you. A MAGA person might say something irreverent about an undocumented immigrant, and therefore MAGA SO BAD. Nuance is for the birds, right? If someone says one Thing Bad, they are a worthless, evil person.
For some reason I thought you wrote with nuance, but that disappeared as soon as Trump took office. Nothing exists in your essays except Palestine- that is the ONLY metric to judge world leaders, we're all fucked, so just give up. I mean thinking you're gonna revive communism when you have a whole revolutionary movement right in front of your face- well it's a very misguided perspective. I'd blame it on your youth but I thought you were smarter than that. Why associate with CPI when you absolutely despise non-leftists?
You must think we have decades to "build a leftist movement". And this-this constant striving for what doesn’t exist and blindness to what does- is why the left, where you insist on planting yourself, is completely and utterly irrelevant, with an Absolute Incapacity for Nuanced Thought.
“How do you not see that the entire country absolutely despises the left? How do you not see the MAGA movement already trying for revolution? But it's not good enough for you. A MAGA person might say something irreverent about an undocumented immigrant, and therefore MAGA SO BAD. Nuance is for the birds, right? If someone says one Thing Bad, they are a worthless, evil person.”
You're really upset for someone who's giving fascists and the dupes who believe them so much latitude.
Blueprint for greater jisrael
""Jew World Order" but I'm not talking about ZOG"-your fucking dumbass.
Trump = JEW WORLD ORDER of the banking dynasty and allied criminal .00001% super duper rich Jewish families. They've had control of the Whitehouse for over 100 years.
Shut the fuck up.Zionism is the enemy,not Judaism or the Jewish people.
Look at the words you wrote. You are claiming that in my comment I am blaming Judaism and "the Jewish people" but I didn't mention Judaism and I even specifically denoted the tiny group of Jewish INDIVIDUALS who are so flagrantly guilty. The cognitive dissonance rage of brainwashing is causing you to attack me.
To use the word Zionism negates the long history of heinous disgusting Jewish conspiracies and atrocities that predate the word, which only came into use around 1850-1860. Freedom of speech is a very good thing. I can use it to bludgeon the stupidity out of you without getting my hands dirty
You're not doing a very good job of anything but making very clear what your motivation is but hey keep throwing around your tropes and baseless accusations that aids the Zionists.
You're exactly the antisemite they want and need so badly to exist.
So back to my simple comment. I could provide many links to back up what I said about 1 Trump being obviously controlled by the Jew World Order, and 2 that said Jew World Order has been in charge of the Whitehouse for at least 100 years. In fact, speaking of Humboldt county, we had a statue of president William McKinley which got taken down from the plaza, where I first met the author of this article, and McKinley was assassinated by a Jewish conspiracy of bankers because he was a hard money man. Ironically all talk of this in the local media there was shouted down by cries of antisemitism. Another irony there was that the McKinley statue removal was inspired by the wave of statue removal in the wake of the Charlottesville statue removal false flag divide and conquer psyop focused on Confederate state removal- McKinley had been a civil war hero- FOR THE NORTH... and a staunch abolitionist as well, but that's how Jewish brainwashing works... Very effective, and facts are meaningless. But here's a couple links for you anyway, showing how they did Epstein style political sex blackmail of Woodrow Wilson, and how Trump comes from the Jewish heroin money laundry Resorts International (Jew) "casinos" where his overlords were actually JFK's killers namely Tibor Rosenbaum jisrael's hidden swiss banker and mossad financier, Meyer Lansky 'the Mobs Jewish Brain,' and a fella named Rothschild. They killed JFK because he was putting his foot down over the Dimona nuclear weapons project.
Rump the Donald also had a good foot in the door connection to the Jew World Order through his father who was astonishingly closely tied to Jewish organized crime and early jewish terrorists in jisrael. When folks talk about the Italian Mafia, does every Italian person on earth get all bent out of shape and feel they are being personally attacked and included as members of the cosa nostra? Scar your assumptions and accusations against me are laughable.
Hahahaha McKinley was assassinated by a fucking anarchist who was not Jewish in anyway shape or form lol
JFK was assassinated to keep the Cold War going,he was going to make peace with Russia...
Your entire world view comes from the daily stormer lol
I am not reading any of that neonazi bullshit.
Get fucked.
These aren't the only presidents assassinated by Jewish conspiracies, in the United States alone… I'm glad you're having fun.
Yes I already suspected that no amount of information would influence you