Apr 23Liked by Rainer Shea ☭

The tack we take depends on who we are speaking with. Or rather, which conflict we highlight depends on the ideology of our compatriot.

For former and current Democrat voters, "China as capitalist" might work for the ruling class, but it easily falls apart when we address it. For those who lean Republican, "China as communist" is the tack we have to address. This one will be more difficult, I think, because of the army of confused snobby loudmouths who give socialism a terrible name.

I do agree that "finding a tack" gets easier every day more people experience the condition of having more month at the end of the money. I will never convince my extremely wealthy friend that the time has come. But I will convince people whose livelihoods have been stolen.

Watching out for/ anticipating the propaganda shifts is extremely important, so we have time to collect and hone our arguments.

Also, I agree that it is very interesting how they have so brazenly allocated themselves the loot this time. I noticed in 2021 that Democrats stopped talking about the economy/wages/housing expenses/healthcare etc as soon as Biden took office. I thought that silence was due to the Dems in power (and obviously they didn't want anyone to think they had power when they did have power.) Now, I think another cause of the deliberate avoidance of economic discussion is that their looting and soul selling is just too salient. You gotta be Real good at lying to allocate 95 billion dollars to you and your closest friends, and then turn around and say you're on the side of workers.

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