Glory to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea!!! 🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵

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Strange how there is no discussion of Korea's nuclear weapon as a deterrent. It seems to me that People's Koreas survival has everything to do with that, and nothing to do with being Juche and Marxist-Leninist.

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In summary: Syria’s lack of nuclear weapons was a symptom of the core problem, not the whole problem.

Man, you’ve challenged me to think about this topic a bit deeper.

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The nuclear weapons are only one among countless examples of things the DPRK has done differently than Baathist Syria, Iran, & the other anti-imperialist countries which aren’t defined by Juche‘s ideas. That the DPRK got nukes while Syria didn’t is a symptom of a much deeper ideological difference, with Juche being a crucial part of it. We must support every anti-imperialist country, my position has never changed from that. Amid Syria’s fall, though, I’ve decided it’s important to promote Juche.

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Another important clarifier: it’s possible for a country or party to implement many of Juche’s ideas, while not identifying with Juche itself. China, Cuba, Venezuela, and others have survived because their masses have been the drivers of their respective revolutions, guiding policy in the directions that sufficiently befit the people’s interests. So the bourgeoisie have failed to gain the power within these countries that the bourgeoisie gained in Baathist Syria, and that they now hold within Iran.

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I feel like Fourth Political Theory is basically a repackaged Juche.

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