“ Zionism’s strength comes not from the sophistication of its policing and surveillance methods, but from how it cultivates a demographic that, by its nature as a social class, will never act in solidarity with the underclass who these repressive tools were created to contain.”

I say this about the US all of the time.

A good read, as usual, but I feel it’s still largely framed in an antiquated fashion. Not trashing, just follow me here:

So, we are in a post nation state world. By this I mean that, multinational interests vie for puppeteering rights over the various countries.

The globalist capitalists will engage in genocide, and do. But that is ancillary to their strategic goals. Racism has always been but another tool useful towards their economic and military control of regions and resources.

So, while noting such things are noteworthy, I feel like they miss the mark of class warfare and geopolitical control. Such angles are more palatable to the rank and file shitlib, but they do little to pull back the curtain and reveal the man pulling the levers and underscoring the real goals. Demonizing whoever the current people are that are in the way of these vampires is just a way to justify their troops killing them for morale reasons. Wasn’t Hitler himself half Jewish? It’s mistaking the the quiver for the arrow. The arrow is class warfare. Fascism is just part of the fletching.

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