Will Syria’s fall embolden the U.S. to start war over Taiwan? If so, China will then bring the empire’s ruin
This was always going to be the moment when the imperialist forces would go on the offensive they’re now carrying out, because this is the moment after the hegemon’s greatest weaknesses have been revealed. Russia has launched its big counter-attack, starting a military operation that’s militarily drained NATO, made Washington’s sanctions backfire, and catalyzed an explosion in BRICS membership. Partly inspired by Russia’s victory, anti-colonial resistance forces have embarked on their own successful operations; in 2023, a series of Sahel nations overthrew neo-colonialism, and then Hamas executed Operation Al Aqsa Flood. The Sahel’s revolution has placed the United States, France, and the other colonial benefactors in imminent danger of losing more economic assets. And Al Aqsa has ensured the Zionist entity’s demise, leading to economic upheaval for the “Israeli” settler state.
This is the context in which the enemy perpetrated its fatal assault upon Syrian secular society: a situation where the imperialists and colonialists found themselves existentially threatened, and desperate to change the strategic balance. Now that it’s taken advantage of the weakest point within the resistance, and overthrown Assad’s government, it intends to take its offensive much further. It hopes to use Syria’s fall as leverage for pressuring Russia into a “frozen conflict” deal, where Russia is forced to cease making military progress while letting Ukraine re-arm. From there, the U.S. will attempt a color revolution in Russia, hoping to thereby leave China without an important partner.
The next step is to instigate a war in east Asia, which Russia’s hypothetical demise would make easier for Washington to win; but such an outcome is far from guaranteed. Should Putin falter in his task of combating the hegemon, he’ll face his people’s wrath, which means his most sensible option is to remain committed to the war. And should Washington react to this defeat by pursuing war in east Asia anyway, China will defeat it like Russia has, except this defeat would be even more costly. Even with Syria gone, Eurasia as a whole remains formidably strong; a large part of the globe’s economic center has shifted towards Eurasia, while Russia and China have used economic centralization to build ready-made war economies. These things give both countries a resilience that the USA lacks; a shock to the American system that’s too big, and that involves unpopular wars, would put our ruling class in existential peril. Militarily, economically, and socially, it would be an unprecedented mistake for Washington to start a proxy war with the PRC.
That’s why it’s quite possible Trump will back away from any serious war plans for Taiwan, and rely on ineffectual trade war bluster for attacking China. China’s decision this week to conduct its largest military drills around Taiwan in decades is a warning to Washington; the message is “if you get overconfident, what happens next will be entirely your loss.”
Even if Washington doesn’t make such a gargantuan error, though, it will still be driven by an urgent desire for more war escalations. It will work to inflame conflicts in whatever areas it thinks it can get away with, and thereby create risks of blowback that it can’t handle. We’re seeing this now with the USA’s decision to give Ukraine long-range weapons; it’s another manifestation of the U.S. foreign policy elite’s desperate mentality, and it’s not producing the desired outcome. Russia has not backed down amid these assaults. It’s responded proportionately, establishing deterrence and thereby mitigating dangers of bigger escalations. It’s also not been shaken, or even substantially hurt, by the fall of Syria; Russia has remained focused on the Ukraine operation, and this has worn down Zelensky enough that he’s now trying to bargain his country out of collapse.
The Biden administration’s nuclear provocation hasn’t changed the conflict’s outcome, and the empire is looking for which actions could complete its grand plan to destroy Eurasia. Overthrowing Assad, or even hurting the wider anti-Zionist resistance, are not enough to do this; and there are variables within Syria itself that ultimately place Washington’s success there in question. These sources of hope don’t negate the direness of Palestine’s situation, nor the threat which the broader region faces; but they do represent risks for the U.S. that further interrupt its scheme to subdue China. Which increases the likelihood that the empire will do something foolish and self-defeating. Now that the enemy has made its big move, the time has come for the hegemon’s resistors—both in west Asia and the broader globe—to make their own next moves. Moves that will take the enemy by surprise.
When Assad left, Khamenei told those who support the resistance to “Let everyone know that the events will not remain like this and the Syrian youths, will definitely rise up and will overcome this situation with steadfastness and even offering casualties.” Then, within just a few hours, a video came out featuring the group of Syrian soldiers who’d put up persistent resistance towards HTS. This group was called the 25th Division of the SAA Special Forces, and its members had gathered in the mountains near the Lebanese border to declare that they would keep fighting. The officer who spoke in the clip said:
It has been 15 years that we have been destroying terrorism. All the world's countries together couldn't defeat us. We did not withdraw, we did not lose. Everyone knows, what happened a short while ago, we don't consider it a defeat, no, what happened is a battle without fire, it happened as some kind of treacherous agreement, this is clear. We will not withdraw, what happened since Aleppo is that we fell back to the rear and continued fighting again and again, the pigs [HTS] say that we withdrew, and 'where are you', but we tell them now we are on the frontlines. You pigs [HTS] we are here to stay and we will not run, and our ammunition is directed at you. My pistol's last round is for my head, and I will not let myself be captured and neither will my men. We are here to stay. We have let go of our souls, we have suicide bombers, we have people who booby trapped themselves, we will soon give you lessons in manhood. We will sacrifice ourselves for the whole Syrian people and especially the people of the coast (Alawites & Govt. supporters) who are our people, and we are here back to defend them, our people.
These words represent the spirit of all who are involved in this fight. It’s the same determination that led Korea’s revolutionaries to continue their struggle even when Washington had burned down every town in the DPRK, and murdered 20% of Korea’s people. And it’s what will let the Palestinian resistance rebuild their society once Zionism has been defeated. The Palestinians, the Lebanese, and many others are now in greater danger than ever; but from this will come a resistance that’s greater than anything prior.
China, the DPRK, and the other countries which have already fortified themselves against colonization will be there to weaken the enemy during this struggle’s new stage. Much of the Global South will soon become in place to join the anti-imperialist bloc, cutting off the empire’s economic foundations. And a growing amount of the workers in the empire’s core are becoming conscious of the need for this inhuman global system to end. The bulk of the globe is with those who are being targeted by this extermination campaign. Together, we’ll strike a fatal blow against the states that are committing the crimes.
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The Jews WILL start their Third World War now!