The utopian Trump-Musk promise, our genocidal reality, & the evils that our government will import
Our ruling class wants to make it so that the negation to liberalism is something which sets our civilization backwards, rather than bringing us to the next stage. MAGA came into being as a mass reaction to the liberal order’s evils. The engineered economic collapse, the wars that have now lasted around a quarter of a century, the foul play by pharmaceutical monopolies, the technocratic corporate efforts to police discourse; all of these things helped make Trump’s win possible. And what this last election showed was that the media isn’t capable of overriding populist sentiments in the way that the technocrats thought they could. Yet as Trump’s new cabinet gets established, and neocons like Marco Rubio get welcomed into the next White House, it’s becoming clearer that monopoly capital is fully capable of steering where this supposed revolution goes. We just saw another example of this when the anti-Ukraine Matt Gaetz got pressured into withdrawing his nomination for attorney general; the permanent security state is in place to define the new government’s character and actions.
To the Palestinians, the election’s outcome was always irrelevant; the extermination of their people was going to keep happening no matter what, and happen in essentially the same way. Now, as MAGA gets further revealed as controlled opposition, more Americans are going to be confronted with how voting can’t bring change. If the system gets its way, though, this will be just the start of a long dystopic cycle. A cycle where the technocratic liberal wing orchestrates a coup to “save democracy” from the MAGA-aligned wing, then the MAGA wing is assigned to return later on, and so forth. CJ Hopkins has warned that if we don’t intervene, this is the future we can expect:
The Musk Cult is growing. Its apostles are preaching the Gospel of Elon throughout the empire, paving the road to The Privatization of Everything! Verily, it is the dawn of a golden age of “Freedom” ruled by global corporations and beneficent oligarchs! However, before that golden age can begin, America must be made great again! And so the Free-Speech Twitter PSYOP has to be repeated on the macro-level. The same conservative populist resistance to the evolution of the global-capitalist system that Musk corralled and neutralized needs to be corralled and neutralized…Once it is corralled, and neutralized, and whipped up into a frenzy over “Wokeness,” “Cultural Marxism,” and “Communism,” it can be unleashed on the remnants of the dying age of nation-states, national sovereignty, constitutions, and so on, which will prompt the Global Powers That Be to take extreme measures to “defend democracy,” which will prompt the Other Global Powers That Be to take more extreme measures to “Rescue the Republic,” which will prompt the Global Powers That Be to take even more extreme extreme measures to “defend democracy from fascism” and … OK, this time, I do think you see where this is going.
To avoid this path, we must confront what these psyops seek to hide. We must look at the things our government is doing to the peoples of Gaza, Lebanon, and increasingly the West Bank, because they reveal the true nature of the system we’re fighting. When you see that a genocide is happening, and that both sides of the inter-elite power struggle are facilitating this genocide, it becomes clearer who humanity’s real friends and enemies are. If our “anti-establishment” leaders assist in mass murder and ethnic cleansing, then it’s no surprise that these leaders are also willing to betray the USA’s people. Zionism’s crimes are proof that these figures don’t offer a bright future, they offer expanded suffering and death.
That’s one of the initial realizations somebody can come to when they’re approaching dissident politics from the right; and there are plenty within the conservative base who have gone down this path, where it becomes apparent that Zionism is not a good thing. It’s because of this that the ruling class is propagating a series of psyops specifically designed to steer these kinds of Americans towards false consciousness; there are narratives that seek to turn pro-Russian people against China, and ones that seek to make anti-Zionists conclude Jewish people are the source of capital’s contradictions. The latter psyop especially is dangerous, and we must work to combat such deceptions. But the fact that the narrative managers have found it necessary to intervene within the discourse in these ways shows an anti-establishment mass trend is emerging.
What this trend produces will depend on which political and ideological forces get to shape our society during this new phase. Communists and anti-imperialists are in a better place now than we would be if Harris had won; the neo-Nazis have a deficiency in momentum due to Trump’s victory, the Democratic Party has collapsed, and the contradictions within MAGA are already being exposed. The USA’s political reorientation—where liberals become the primary warmongers, while conservatives seek to negate liberalism—is now being accelerated. As we welcome more disillusioned elements into our circles, a crucial part of our job is to prepare these masses for fighting back against the state’s attacks.
The next stage in this awakening is to realize what the genocide means for the nature of our power struggle; what it means that our government is united in believing that the populations which challenge capital have no rights. If the pro-Zionist liberals—and the MAGA leaders who collaborate with them on this issue—have no problem with deliberately slaughtering defenseless people, then they’ll try to do this in the United States. This isn’t happening yet; in the present stage, Palestine is the central issue. And in the USA, the best way to agitate for Palestine is by speaking of how the war machine is economically impacting Americans. In the long term, though, our rulers will try to bring the violence from abroad into our own communities. This is the ultimate consequence of acting complicit in the genocide: it will bring blowback.
Our government will try to get away with bombing U.S. neighborhoods, like it has in the past, and it will work to drone strike more U.S. citizens than it already has. This is the logical conclusion of the new bipartisan plan for silencing dissent. That this plan first targets Palestine supporters shows how anti-wokeness is now the primary imperial propaganda tool, and will remain so until wokeness again becomes the favored tactic.
The evidence that both sides of the ruling class are the enemy, and that they both aim to inflict tremendous harm upon the USA’s people, is already easy to see. Not everyone will change their politics because of this, but our immediate task isn’t to bring a universal consciousness shift. To overthrow the imperial state, we only need to educate and mobilize the most advanced among the masses; which entails an effort at bringing in as many people as possible, but only requires a certain amount of narrative success. The far right, the liberals, the ultra-lefts, and the revolutionary cause’s other enemies will continue to go on the propaganda offensive; and certain people among them, especially the ultra-leftists, will join with the state in trying to inflict violence upon us. Our only path forward is to do the equivalent of what past successful revolutionaries have done, and work with the people towards defeating capital.
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War gives America meaning, right? So said Chris Hedges