The empire will expand the genocide into new frontiers, then provoke counter-attacks that send the United States reeling
Our government is going to expand its extermination campaign into new frontiers, and thereby provoke its enemies in a way that it can’t handle. And as the collapse of the United States accelerates, the country’s people will be prompted by their circumstances to assert agency. To unify behind an effort at defeating monopoly capital and its domestic proxy forces, which will let us build a new workers state. We’re already seeing the first stages in this process; more Americans are becoming disillusioned, and looking for how to fight back against the war machine. We’re seeing voter participation keep going down, indicating greater awareness that neither party can bring change; we’re seeing people change their politics and their lives in reaction to the Gaza genocide; we’re seeing MAGA supporters erupt in outrage over Trump’s picking neocons for his cabinet.
For we in the heart of imperialism, these expansions in mass consciousness represent the best source of hope; if we connect to these elements and provide them with leadership, we’ll be able to steer history’s direction away from its dark present trajectory. We’ll ready this country’s people to fight back against the next attacks our ruling class directs towards us; attacks that will be a reaction to the catastrophic defeats U.S. imperialism is facing.
We know these defeats are coming because the Palestinian people, and the others who are resisting imperialism, have gained enough strength to render Washington seriously insecure. The guerrilla warfare campaign of Hamas, given encouragement by Russia’s successful fight against NATO, has made Zionism’s death guaranteed. Unable to defeat any part of the Axis of Resistance, the “Israeli” settler entity has committed to expanding its military efforts; which ensures that it will keep losing its economic vitality, energy sources, and citizens. Too much global support for Palestine has emerged for the Zionist project to be sustainable; a Palestinian state is coming, and ultimately it will encompass every corner of the land. When Zionism’s demise comes, the hegemon will be unable to effectively play the geopolitical game within Eurasia or Africa, forcing an imperial retreat almost everywhere. Desperate, it will launch new wars in the places where it still feels it can win; with the most likely locations being Mexico, and the inside of the United States itself.
This is why Trump plans to start treating Mexico’s cartels (which Washington perpetuates) as terrorist organizations: the trajectory for U.S. imperialism is to aggress against those closest to the core, even if this will be self-defeating. In the more immediate term, Trump’s team seeks to start direct wars with Iran and China; which absolutely couldn’t be done at the same time, and would create as much blowback as the Mexico invasion plan. I still expect a big provocation to come, with China being the most likely target; but because of how constrained Washington has gitten, it will be able to do more damage to Palestine. This is already the case; the demolition and extermination of Gaza is supposed to be Washington’s warning to the rest of the world, an illustration of what the hegemon seeks to do to whoever defies it.
The aggressors are only capable of doing this in certain parts of the globe, though, and inevitably the day will come when they can no longer subject Palestine to genocide. So throughout this next year in particular, we can expect them to export their crimes in Gaza to the other areas Zionism has imprisoned. This is Trump’s plan: to facilitate a full annexation of the West Bank by “Israel,” as has been requested of him by his donors in the Adelson family. Such a policy would mean a new mass ethnic cleansing effort within that area of Palestine, added onto the forced expulsion project which “Israel” is already implementing in north Gaza. That’s what all factors indicate we can expect the West Bank’s people to be faced with during the coming months, because every time “Israel” has ever grabbed land, it’s not wanted to keep the land’s people.
That Trump aims to approve this effort isn’t proof of the Democrats being better for Palestine, because it was the Democrats who created the conditions for it. They were the ones who made clear that Netanyahu would keep receiving U.S. support no matter what, and who let him accelerate the slaughter as soon as the American news cycle became fully dominated by the election. Substantial media attention on Gaza was the only thing that ever slowed “Israel” down; as long as our ruling class can find sufficient distractions from the brutality, “Israel” will keep operating with essentially no restraint. The liberals have a key role in this. They’ve continued to steer the discourse towards the culture wars, working with the “anti-woke” right-wingers to conceal what truly matters.
The Palestinian resistance, which remains vital even in the occupied West Bank, will make the Zionists unable to live in peace. The terrorist settlers who Trump aligns with will try to build into Gaza, and into the remaining West Bank pockets where Palestinians live; but the counter-attacks will never let up, and they’ll become more severe as time passes. These repercussions will keep getting worse because “Israel” is determined to provoke not just the West Bank, but also the region’s strongest power: Iran. And the election of Trump has made it likelier that Iran’s politics will continue to go in the favor of Iran’s anti-imperialist hardliners, like happened during Trump’s first term. When the U.S. has a president who wholeheartedly embraces the settlers and their Hitlerite goals, the necessity for resistance becomes even clearer. Iran’s U.S.-friendly reformer faction, which has already thoroughly discredited itself, will now have an even harder time making its arguments.
The outcome will be that one way or another, the imperial economic structure gets hit in a way it can’t recover from. I can’t definitively say that Iran is going to sideline the reformer faction because of Washington’s next aggressions; the outcome of Iran’s internal power struggle largely depends on whether the country undergoes Russia-style nationalizations, which would allow it to have a war economy. But it is certain that the empire will keep escalating the geopolitical conflict, which means the dollar’s decline will speed up.
As my partner in organizing Jesse Wingert has concluded, the Trump team’s active encouragement of Zionist terror will ensure America continues to become more isolated, and therefore less stable:
The whole structure of the “rules-based world order”, including its military aspects, were built by the ruling class to create this globalized system of exploitation; what we call Imperialism. The exploitation of the other nations of the world is inseparable from the Financial Bourgeoise’s control over the US State, and the global system of Imperialism helps backstop their control within the US. But it is exactly the nature of this system that is undermining the Imperialists; the exploitation has driven much of the Global South into the Anti-Imperialist camp centered on China. Its use of armed force to secure its interests are driving wedges between their allies such as Germany, as they are asked to sacrifice their own independent interests for the United States. Trump, more likely than not, will make headway on some fronts while failing on others. He continues to express willingness to negotiate an end to the war with Russia, but we are likely to remain with Israel tied to our leg, which leaves a lingering possibility of global war and alienates us from much of the world.
I would go further, and say that Trump isn’t even going to de-escalate with Russia; given Trump’s policies towards Russia during his first term, we can expect the opposite. And the “peace deal” that Trump’s team has proposed for Ukraine is not something Russia would ever accept; it aims to bring about a “frozen conflict,” where Russia has to refrain from completing its goals within the war. If this is the best Trump has to offer, Russia won’t be able to negotiate with Trump; which means the great-power conflict will continue on its present trajectory. Washington won’t be saved from the next defeats that Russia will bring upon it, and any provocation against China will therefore be made all the more costly for the imperialists.
We can’t say for certain which direction Iran will go in next; Khamenei is pushing for a major retaliation, but his power has limits. Because of how determined the imperialists are to expand their wars, though, a collapse of the global financial order is certain. So is a collapse within the global ecology, which will multiply our economic catastrophe’s impacts. Climate, which has already worsened disasters like hurricanes, isn’t even necessarily the biggest part of that threat; the loss of biodiversity is arguably the greatest danger we face, with global warming being a major contributing factor in this. In the last year alone, our government has done things that will notably accelerate this environmental breakdown; the amount of bombs dropped on Gaza has surpassed that of World War II, speeding up the global heating process and all of its associated cataclysms.
The ecocide that the Gaza holocaust involves is representative of what our ruling class will do to the broader globe, and the effects will be felt by all. We in the United States must get ready to fight for our future amid circumstances that will be overwhelming, but can be overcome; in the past, people have built new societies after facing apocalyptic imperial violence. Such a challenge will likely prove to be unavoidable, and our only way to pass this test is by subordinating oneself towards the struggle; by taking on roles as soldiers within a battle that won’t be won immediately, but must be fought.
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Interesting, intelligent analysis, thank you!
Solidarity in resistance
All power to all the people