I was drawn to the Rage Against the War Machine coalition for the same reason I would come to join the Center for Political Innovation: it presented an alternative to pan-leftism, the idea that Marxists should exclusively stay within the left. I had just seen the pan-leftists fail to support Russia in its war to rescue the Donbass from fascism, and I was now seeing them attack this new coalition which brought together many different antiwar elements. This confirmed to me that RAWM has a crucial role within the advancement of the anti-imperialist struggle. Today, with the coalition about to hold a new rally in DC, the situation is different. The opposition we face is different.
The pan-leftists are still there, but our ruling class has cultivated many other ideological forces which go against the ant-imperialist cause. Pan-leftism has already lost in many ways; our coalition’s new big enemy is an amalgamation of the far right, the outwardly anti-Marxist radical liberals, and the liberal fascists who are driving war and repression. They’re all working against the communists, libertarians, and conservatives who oppose U.S. hegemony.
This is the alignment of forces that’s come to be during the present stage of our struggle; the stage where the imperialists are scrambling to maintain their capital amid the imminent collapse of Zionism, and the failure of Washington’s attempts at destabilizing Eurasia. In this era, monopoly capital’s main goal is to successfully pivot towards another mode of global warfare; one where the hegemon orchestrates color revolutions throughout the BRICS countries, while instigating a massive new conflict is east Asia.
To do this, the imperialists need to sell the narrative that the United States is a friend to the Palestinians, and that this supposed virtue of American liberalism means Washington is right to attack all of these other places. The only way we can effectively combat this psyop, and all the other psyops that support these warfare schemes, is through the practice which RAWM and CPI advance. The practice where we build a mass movement, one that appeals to the people’s material interests in defeating the imperialist system.
The intelligence forces are promoting many ideological elements that can redirect mass discontent, and perpetuate the divisions within our society. The neo-Nazi “groypers” who say capitalism’s crises come from an anti-white conspiracy; the radlibs who feed people’s alienation rather than building a mass movement; these are the only “dissident” groups that the ruling class wants to have a presence. This way, no real anti-imperialist force will exist, and the liberals can continue to advance imperialism’s schemes without any challenge. The coalition that we’re building, and the cadres that will emerge from this coalition, represent a disruption towards this bleak paradigm.
By constructing an organizational presence to challenge pan-leftism, we’ve made it possible to truly threaten the rule of capital. This stage of our task, where we’ve needed to take away the left’s dominance over organizing, is already on its way to being fully completed. So we’re now in a better place to defeat the propaganda campaigns our enemies are orchestrating, such as the Kamala Harris psyop.
That’s what we can do within the realm of discourse. And the CPI is indeed carrying out operations to expose Harris, while bringing in more people from across the ideological spectrum. We’re on the trajectory towards victory. A crucial thing is that we keep expanding into the masses, which is why I recommend that people do things like start RAWM student clubs or build their own local cadres. The other most important thing is that we keep our operations going amid whatever attacks next come from our enemies, which means running these cadres with discipline and consideration for contingencies. We’re in a much better place than we were only two years ago; we need to keep that progress going, and take advantage of this unprecedented moment for revolutionary gains.
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