Holocaust Harris, the ever-expanding genocide, & what we must do as pro-Palestine speech gets criminalized
Should the dominant wing of our ruling class fulfill its next major goal, and steal the election for Kamala Harris, liberals will use this to shout down the pro-Palestine Americans who’ve spoken out against the Democrats. They’ll portray this “victory” for Harris as proof that the Democratic Party has gotten beyond its recent tensions with Arabs and Muslims, and that these groups now overwhelmingly trust Harris to reach a ceasefire. That’s the goal behind the supposedly pro-Palestine rhetoric Harris has been putting forth; Harris’ deep state handlers want to construct a narrative of unity and reconciliation, where the many Muslims who’ve said they’re boycotting Harris have suddenly changed their minds.
It’s a totally fabricated story, one that the empire will use to expand the genocide should Harris “win.” There’s also a plan for doing so should Trump win; it will involve nurturing the pro-imperialist aspects of MAGA, promoting anti-Muslim bigotry and culture war divisiveness. The preferred plan is for Harris to be the next president, though; that’s what the neocons want. So the focus of our psyop machine right now is on getting things ready for a new turn within the Democratic Party; one where its militarist, McCarthyist shift from the last decade produces a more aggressively pro-Zionist liberal culture.
This is why Harris has called Iran the USA’s greatest adversary: after the election, our ruling class will help the Zionist entity accelerate its extermination campaigns under the guide of “defending itself.” The fake ultimatum that the White House gave Netanyahu last week, where supposedly Washington would cut off weapons supplies unless more aid gets to Gaza within 30 days, will be fully abandoned. All that needs to happen is for the “Israeli” Nazi state to construct a new narrative about it being victimized by Iran, and the U.S. will stop pretending to consider any weapons restrictions.
The U.S. war machine, and the deep state officials who keep it in operation, are working to create the conditions for carrying this Palestinian holocaust towards its next stage. A stage where the White House, no longer concerned about an election, assists “Israel” in re-creating the Armenian genocide. The USA’s bipartisan murder machine has decided to endorse this agenda because even though the unrestrained slaughter further isolates Washington, it’s seen as strategically beneficial to leave the Zionist entity towards its own devices.
The pro-Harris wing sees Ukraine as the bigger priority compared to “Israel,” which doesn’t mean the Democrats will cut off funding for the genocide; rather it means they’ll try to divert attention away from the topic of Palestine, and pursue their plan for a new wave of color revolutions. A hybrid war on BRICS was always how the neocons were going to react to their loss in Ukraine, but with October 7, this backup plan got interrupted. Now the Harris wing is working to make up for this lost time within their global destabilization projects; which will mean redirecting the discourse towards domestic issues, and giving “Israel” all the equipment needed for fulfilling its own goals.
These goals are to push Gazans into an even smaller space within the south of the Gaza strip, to establish settlements in the north, and to ultimately make the rest of Gaza’s people either die or leave. As the extermination accelerates, the U.S. government will work to silence anyone who speaks out against it. The feds are going to instigate post-election violence via agent provocateurs, and then criminalize anti-genocide speech under the guise of “counter-terrorism.”
This Hitlerite project will also involve greater assaults on the West Bank and Lebanon, with the justification being that it’s all necessary for countering Iranian “aggression.” There are two major obstacles to this, though: the new reality that Iran has nuclear deterrence powers, and the unavoidable backlash from a U.S. population that largely won’t stand for the genocide to continue.
Iran’s acquiring nuclear capabilities has left the U.S. and its Zionist proxy much more restricted. At first, Netanyahu’s government was filled with bluster about how it would supposedly punish Iran; but soon Washington talked “Israel” into settling for symbolic counter-attacks, because it was now apparent that seriously provoking Iran would be unfathomably stupid. The American-Zionist regimes have been outmaneuvered, and made limited in their range of possible damage throughout west Asia. Will “Israel” actually pursue a full war? It’s unpredictable how the desperate Zionist regime will act. If it does commit to such a conflict, though, this will be at its loss; Iran has just gotten strong enough to make that kind of war far too costly for its enemy.
“In June Iran informed the IAEA that it was installing some 1,400 advanced centrifuges at its Fordow facility,” Scott Ritter has written about these developments. “Based upon calculations derived from Iran’s on-hand stockpile of 60 percent enriched uranium hexaflouride (the feedstock used in centrifuge-based enrichment), Iran could produce enough highly enriched uranium (i.e., above 90 percent) to manufacture 3-5 uranium-based weapons in days. All that is needed is the political will to do so. It appears that Iran has crossed this threshold, meaning that the calculus behind any Israeli and/or U.S. attack on Iran has been forever changed.” This is why the imperialists can be expected to lean more onto their genocidal projects: they can’t harm Iran in the ways that they used to be able to, and this has ensured the success of BRICS.
In response to the empire’s next campaigns of violence, the people of the United States are going to keep applying more pressure. The domestic upsets that this genocide has created for the U.S. ruling class will not cease; the pro-Palestine mobilizations will continue, and support for “Israel” will keep shrinking among the U.S. public. This means that the methods being used for managing the election—censoring authors the Harris campaign doesn’t like, manipulating the algorithms to promote Trump Derangement Syndrome—aren’t enough to win the war with the USA’s people.
Rigging an election is almost infinitely easier than making a counterinsurgency succeed; though a counterinsurgency can easily gain short-term victories, whatever successes a state achieves in suppressing its people could always lead to greater backlash. The “Israeli” counterinsurgency has gotten numerous victories over the decades, yet now the resistance is successfully bringing Zionist society towards collapse. If our ruling class succeeds at using this election to divert the discourse, and to justify repression, it will be a victory for our enemies. But it won’t be a final victory, and it will come with a price. We’ll have a route to defeating our imperialist dictatorship, even in the worst-case scenario.
The thing that I encourage every dissident organizer to ask themselves right now is: would my operation be able to continue if our work got fully illegalized tomorrow? Do I have a local cadre that’s mastered secret work, is prepared to defend itself, and can maintain connections to the masses while functioning in a clandestine fashion? We cannot react to the threats we face by retreating into our own circles, and there are ways to keep expanding our mass connections amid extreme repression. One of our indispensable resources is the unions, which have historically acted as front groups for secret revolutionary organizations. I don’t expect the repression in the United States to include a shutdown of the unions, but I do expect our government to criminalize speech that’s anti-imperialist; which will lead to the pro-Palestine elements within the unions being targeted.
We must find those elements, and build networks with them; this will let us keep our inner organizational work concealed, while making allies out of the most advanced among the workers. Our ruling class is reacting to its geopolitical defeats by going on the offensive, which means we face an ever-more violent menace. By navigating this situation correctly, though, we’ll bring the empire’s final defeat.
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Lock her up and throw away the key
She ain’t fit for Humanity
As anyone can see
Oh, just replace the women's name -- Emoff-Harris -- with Kushner-New York New Jew Trump, and its the same motherfucking military mercenary set of perverted values. Iran? Trump wants it nuked? China? Forget about that place under Harris-Trump. Ukraine? Christ, Trump is a Little Zelensky, too, and his penis piano playing days are numbered with his delusions and, well, as a practioner in case management, I see that Trumpie as filled with mental decline.
Have fun parsing out the feces of these two fucking war mongering candidates. Wailing Wall White House rules supreme.