Africa is getting closer to full liberation, & the imperialists are preparing for this by destroying West Asia
The offensive that the imperialists are going on is a direct reaction to the gains which the globe’s liberation forces have made. The genocide against the Palestinians, accelerated by the empire’s destruction of secular Syria, is an attempt to hold back the triumph of all peoples who are fighting for their freedom. To cut Africa off from Eurasia at a time when both are economically rising, and when ever-more African nations are throwing off neo-colonial rule.
That’s the core of why Washington began its Syria regime change project: it needed to block off China from a key node within global trade, letting the banks and multinationals maintain their dominance over the world’s markets. Has Syria’s fall made this happen? It’s delayed the full transition away from monopolist control. But it’s also created blowback for the imperialist forces, which revolutionaries around the world can take advantage of. Now our movement is at a similar juncture to the one it found itself in half a century ago, when the imperialists had essentially already lost in Vietnam, were facing a communism that was at its peak, but also were going on the attack in numerous new ways.
In 1973, Kamara Taylor of the All Peoples Congress assessed this moment of opportunity and peril, and explained why the Juche idea was something many African revolutionaries had turned to amid this uncertainty:
The secret of success of the heroic people of Korea is based on the fraternal solidarity, close cooperation, and adherence to the principled approach of KIM IL SUNG coupled with his steadfastness, patriotic and nationalist firmness in spreading the loft principles of socialism, and liberation of all oppressed people. Africa had suffered untold hardship and worst oppressions from colonialists, imperialists and neo-colonialists. Now that the irresistible wind of freedom is blowing over Africa; treacherous and abominable traitors under the guise of neo-colonialist puppets are bent on fomenting troubles and world unrest. Therefore, it is imperative that we study and put into practice the teachings of one of the outstanding genius of socialism Comrade KIM IL SUNG in order to give our enemies the final devastating defeat.
Such is our duty today. As Washington’s proxies advance upon Syria, helping the hegemon prepare for new attacks against Lebanon, Iran, Yemen, and even China, a great upswell is happening to the south. The imperialists, seeing their military primacy be shattered by Russia, and their Zionist colonial project headed for total collapse. So in the hope of pre-empting greater defeats, they’re accelerating their warfare plans, and they’re not just doing this in West Asia. Washington has orchestrated a judicial coup in Romania to stop the election of a pro-peace candidate, instigated violent chaos in Georgia to try to make the government join the EU, and facilitated President Yoon’s imposition of martial law within U.S.-occupied Korea.
All of these actions are motivated by a desire to ensure that its war escalations, both in Europe and in east Asia, won’t be interrupted. And the ultimate source of this urge for more conflict is the reality that if history keeps going in the present direction, those who the colonizing powers have subjugated will tip the power balance. The anti-imperialist struggle’s Syria defeat can’t reverse this trend, both because of how vast the trend is and because the resistance within Syria hasn’t died. As Khamenei has said, the country’s youth will ultimately defeat the imperial forces. And when they do, they’ll be able to connect with an anti-colonial movement whose progress is speeding up.
Every time the masses in one country have struck a blow against the hegemon, it’s helped another country do the same, and so on. Starting in 2020, the people of Mali increasingly mobilized against the presence of French troops. By February 2022, these troops were successfully driven out, which represented yet another piece of evidence that the colonialist countries had become newly vulnerable. Then Russia decided to take on NATO, and its success helped inspire 2023’s revolutions within the Sahel region. It also contributed to the Palestinian resistance coalition’s choice to launch Operation Al Aqsa Flood; which not only catalyzed an unraveling of Zionist colonizer society, but added new momentum to other liberation efforts. Such as the one in Western Sahara, which France and other colonial actors have been showing anxiety over.
This August, Ambassador Phatse Justice Piitso commented on President Macron’s letter affirming Morocco’s supposed right to occupy the Saharawi people’s land, and how this represents a broader effort to maintain colonial holdings:
The determination of the people of Western Sahara to achieve the goals of their struggles for freedom and equality, has faced fierce resistance from the kingdom of Morocco, with the political, financial and military support from the United States of America and most of her entente from the European Union including Israel. Most of the advanced countries of the western world are complicit of the atrocities of genocide committed against the indigenous people of the SAHARAWI and Palestine. The panorama of the political situation in Western Sahara, brings to the fore, the political and philosophical question by the author of the Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx…The rhetorical question of how the bourgeoisie, by rapid improvement of all instruments of production, by the immensely facilitated means of communication, creates a world after its own image. Therefore, the letter of the President of the republic of France, confirms the saying from the African academia, that it is true that even to this day and time, France still fear the political, social and economic independence of Africa, while the African people of the Sahel, are still confronting the empire that no longer exist but refusing to die.
Struggles such as this one are taking place across many other parts of the continent, and the liberation movements are gaining new advantages. In the economic, diplomatic, and communication realms, more of the formerly colonized world has been gathering strength. The Belt and Road Initiative has been accelerating growth; ever more countries have been forcing out colonial troops, like how Chad did this month with its withdrawal of French forces; and the Global South has become better able to challenge the imperial sphere’s information monopoly.
Telegram’s prominence within places like Ethiopia is why France has arrested the platform’s founder, Pavel Durov; the colonists see the social network as a threat to their primacy. The platform has enabled Ethiopians to fight back against imperialism’s psyops, helping prevent the U.S.-backed TPLF terrorists from spreading a fatal amount of division and confusion. The TPLF’s lies, such as that Ethiopia arbitrarily arrests Tigrayans, have been successfully combated by the Ethiopian people. What Washington wants to do is maintain the systems of racial hierarchy inside countries like Mauritania and Morocco; while bringing instability to countries like Ethiopia and Eritrea under the guise of racial justice. But platforms like Telegram have interfered with this effort.
The plan for Ethiopia was to turn it into a new Libya, inflaming ethnic tensions so that Washington could justify another “humanitarian intervention.” That’s where the U.S. foreign policy establishment’s minds were at in 2021, when there was a growing effort to destabilize the countries which had partnered with China and Russia. This project is still in motion, but the imperialists have been forced to retreat on many fronts. Even in Libya, the great triumph of the State Department’s chaos-mongers, there keep appearing obstacles towards NATO’s attempts at colonizing the country. Muammar Gaddafi’s son Saif al Islam Gadaffi has won the country’s latest municipal elections by a landslide, which means the empire must now try to make up for this loss through another intervention.
The liberatory drive of the continent’s people is too strong; they will bring the end of AFRICOM, the full removal of the multinationals, and an unprecedented age of development. Eurasia will be the joint undertaker in this great constructive project, and all of the empire’s present aggressions against West Asia won’t stop the partnership from strengthening. A seismic shift is occurring; we can further this shift by building up the movement for internationalist solidarity, and resisting the enemy’s war machinations wherever each of us may live.
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Liberation from the poisoners and their CPA and Legal and Political Eichmanns.
Africa must refuse these DNA destroying bombs.
Or. It will be generations of chronic disease and brain failure and death.
In a groundbreaking new study, Arizona State University researcher Ramon Velazquez and his colleagues at the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), part of City of Hope, demonstrate that mice exposed to the herbicide glyphosate develop significant brain inflammation, which is associated with neurodegenerative disease. The findings suggest the brain may be much more susceptible to the damaging effects of the herbicide than previously thought. Glyphosate is one of the most pervasive herbicides used in the U.S. and worldwide.